Friday, April 4, 2008

Blog By Brandon


This is Brandon Eaton. My wife and I are the newbies on Team Verona. I saw Savannah's awesome blog on here and thought I'd better get a move on. I thought first I'd tell you a little bit about my self. I was born on ... OK maybe not that much. I'm a Johnson Bible College Graduate and due to my four years there I not only got a great education but I got a beautiful wife out of the deal. I think that makes the student loans worth it. When Savannah and I left Johnson and plunged into life we weren't exactly sure where we fit or what God had planned for us. We've continuously prayed and sought out His direction. I won't tell you on blog number one every step He took us on to get to where we are now, but lets just say that looking back at our path, He had us walking towards this all along.

I will be working in the area of youth and college age in Verona. I have a passion to work with those age groups specifically and have been in some form or fashion since I left school. Savannah will be working in children's ministry. I know we will work in each other's ministries as well , and I'm pretty sure that's how the whole team is going to function.

We are currently in preparation mode, and have been working towards this goal of getting to Verona. At the end of this month, we will transition out of our current employment and start preparing and fund-raising full-time. We can't wait. My thoughts are consumed with Verona, the Italian people, and everything that God is going to do in this beautiful city. Granted I haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, but I watched a pretty good show about Verona on the Travel Channel! We get to visit next month though, so in blogs to come expect me to be a smidgen more informed.

We are so excited to be a part of the Go Verona family. That family and support just keeps getting bigger when you think about Taking Christ to Italy, Team Expansion, and the hundreds of people that will be supporting us throughout this country. What a privilege to be a part of this.

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